TiPi S Ranch's German Shepherds
Est 1998
Contract for sale of a German Shepherd dog.
Section A: Buyer Identification
Date of deposit/Sale____________
Seller: TiPi S Ranch Buyer: ________________________
1536 Stone Street Address: Address: ______________________
Bedias Tx, 77831 ______________________
936-395-0143 Phone: _________________Cell or Land
E Mail: _______________________
Purchase Price of Dog/Puppy: $_____________
Non-Refundable Deposit: $_____________ Additional Balance $_______ due at delivery.
Section B: Pet Identification
Breed German Shepherd: Color: ____________
Sex ________ Litter Reg #_____________ Date of Birth___________
Sire:____________________________________________________AKC. Reg #_____________
Dam:___________________________________________________AKC Reg #______________
Weight of puppy at 8 weeks_______________
Section C. Pet Guarantee
Companion ____ Puppy/Dog Companion dog means, this dog/puppy is sold as a pet (with limited registration) rather than for breeding or show purposes. (Spay or neuter your pet will stop many future problems and give your pet a longer healthier happier life and stop unwanted litters.)
Breeding _____Puppy/Dog Breeding Puppy/Dog means Puppy will be sold with full AKC registration, buyer will be unable to sell any of the puppy's produced with full AKC registration. All puppy's must be sold with a limited registration only at no less than $_______us dollars. Unless you contact TiPi S Ranch for written permission. TiPi S Ranch will check with AKC every six months, and if found that puppies are sold with full registration then a fine of $5000.00 us dollars per pup will be issued to the buyer________________________.
Any Puppy/Dog breed before being OFA will not be guaranteed.
No warranties or guarantee's expressed or implied are made under this contract excepted as stated below in writing.
1. TiPi S Ranch Guarantee's Pedigree is correct and given at time of sale.
2. AKC registration application is provided at the time of full payment and delivery of puppy/dog.
3. Puppy/Dog will go on a spay/neuter contract, not to be fixed until 4 months old unless expressed, by a veterinarian, once spayed or neutered buyer must send proof to seller. If no proof is given to seller that the Puppy/Dog is spayed or neutered by 5 months unless otherwise expressed by a veterinarian, buyer may be liable for $____________in additional fees.
4. Puppy/Dog is healthy upon time of transfer and will receive a health certificate from veterinarian.
5. TiPi S Ranch Guarantee’s Puppy/Dog has been wormed and has age-appropriate shots.
6. TiPi S Ranch guarantee's hips of Puppy/Dog for 2 years of any crippling hip dysplasia, after that environmental issues may have effect on how the joints are. If a problem does occur a replacement Puppy/Dog will be provided to the buyer at no extra cost. However, if shipping is needed, that will be the responsibility of the buyer. OFA results will need to be provided by the buyer along with written statements of 3 veterinarian's not within the same office, with addresses and phone numbers, or orthopedic foundation to confirm crippling genetic hip dysplasia, will be required to verify that the Puppy/Dog has a genetic defect covered by this agreement.
7. Elbows, if just one elbow is affected, even the slightest injury can cause an elbow to fuse incorrectly, genetic elbows are when they are both affected.
8. Once all documentation has been received, TiPi S Ranch will provide another Puppy/Dog of equal or lesser value, of TiPi S Ranch's choice.
9. Buyer does not have to return affected Puppy/Dog to TiPi S Ranch.
10. Puppy/Dog must be kept on high quality dog food and not kept on cement and not taken for long runs, or excessive exercise until at least one year old for contract to be valid.
11. TiPi S Ranch guarantees for 1 year Puppy/Dog to be free of any life-threatening genetic defects.
Buyer agrees to:
1.____TiPi S Ranch is not responsible for veterinarian bills occurred after buyer takes Puppy/Dog into possession.
2.____All Buyers will register dog using TiPi S Ranch's in the name Example (TiPi S Ranch's Snowflake) Or (Snowflake of TiPi S Ranch).
3.____For contract to be valid Buyer must take puppy to a licensed veterinarian within 72 hours of picking up Puppy/Dog or Puppy/Dog arriving with buyer.
4.____If Buyer is unable to care for the Puppy/Dog, they will contact TiPi S Ranch before trying to re home Puppy/Dog, TiPi S Ranch will either take the Puppy/Dog back or help find a reasonable home for the Puppy/Dog
5. No other Warranties or Guarantee's expressed or implied are made under this contract except those stated in writing here.
6.____Buyer agrees if puppy needs to be shipped, TiPi S Ranch will choose the transportation that best fits at the time, for puppy’s safety, Shipping will be at an additional price. Shipping price will include crate.
7.____In the event that legal action is needed all court proceedings will be brought to Madison County Texas.
8.____ Buyer agrees to annual veterinary checkups including Heart worm check to keep all immunizations current according to AVMA guidelines, to properly administer Heart worm prevention.
9.____Buyer agrees to supply adequate housing according to State Law, and to confine the Dog/Puppy to a FENCED YARD, or KENNEL RUN, or walk on a leash, but not restrained on a rope or chain.
Seller: TiPi S Ranch
Representative ____________________________________Date: _____________
Buyer Sign:______________________________________Date:_____________
Buyer Printed name: ________________________________Buyer Address___________________________