TiPi S Ranch's German Shepherds
Est 1998
Thank You Letters
Kora, Luke & Ace
Dear Patricia,
I wanted to let you know we just love, love, love Bullet I had Bullet neutered on 3-12-2019. He did very well post surgery during and after surgery. He was 2 weeks ago 86 lbs. He had to behave after surgery he was a handful during that time he wanted to swim and ride in the gator but i told him you have to wait a few more days to heal then you can go back doing the things you love to do. Well now he has learn to get in swimming pool and he loves it helps with cattle meaning he steps out of gator stands there and barks at them telling them this is his gator get back. He has brought up a large turtle to yard the tank is in front of house he was so proud. He and Bailey come in the mornings and wait on me to fix their breakfast and if not moving fast enough bailey stands right by me and barks just enough so i can hear her and then taps my leg with her paw a couple of times bullet just says i will take a little nap. We love also just love, love, love Bailey she has her own personality she loves her food she is also a big swimmer every morning and every evening she and bullet have a swim she loves to ride in the gator she still young she is not sure about the cows yet she just sits in gator and watches she loves her big brother but sometimes they play rough or he accidentally stand on her tail she will bark and show her little teeth and pull fur from him, I instantly go break it up its so funny when they both want out they go right to glass door and use their paws its so cute. Bailey is 50 lbs. Anyway I have an invoice for you to show when i had Bullets surgery for your records. Bullet is very protective of his family and Bailey is my observer calm cool headed but when things aren't right she will let you know. They are the best dogs ever!They are smart, observant, obedient they are fun to be with even though they put my garden gloves in the yard or in the field any hand tools also, ijust have to laugh. Its my stuff they mess with Kevin said you did something or changed something so thats their way of getting you back. I will be sending pictures to you in the next day or so. Thank you so much for raising such beautiful dogs. My 2 that we picked out are awesome!Sherry
Rascal & Mischief
We apologize for not getting back to you like we usually do. A couple of years ago we bought 2 beautiful German Shepherds from you, and named them rascal and mischief. We now have an addition to our family...our baby girl Liliana. Rascal and Mischief are so good around her, she loves Mischief the most. Our family started with the puppies you gave us, and its been wonderful ever since. I remember not being able to choose which puppy I wanted so we took both. Thank you so much for these dogs. They are perfect family dogs.
We live in wisconsin now, and they love their new backyard. Its about 1 1/2 acres, with an invisible fence. When Liliana was born, they slept by her crib, and walked next to us all the time whenever we held her. These dogs are angels. We thank you for giving them to us. I also attached some pictures for you of all of the girls in our family. I hope you like them.
My favorite is the one where rascal was licking her face during a football game, we had her in a packers cheerleading outfit.
With Love,
The Schulz Family
John Strawn reviewed TiPi S Ranch's German Shepherds - Rated 5 star December 10 at4:46pm' We picked out Red Bone 21 months ago! He has the size and shape of his Daddy, Klondike! He is a great Family Member!
PETER 1 message Leslie. To: PATTYLANCASTER
Hello Patty, Torri & Scarlett, Sun, Sep 13, 2015 at 6:29 PM Thank you so much for such an amazing, beautiful puppy! He arrived at the airport in perfect condition where he was greeted by me, my husband, and our three children (Tori 21, Rich 19, and Danny 14). I can't tell you how excited we all were. I expected the first night would be a long night of Peter crying so I braised myself for a sleepless night. I put him in his crate at 1 1:30pm and he slept until 6:30 am. House breaking him has been nonexistent. He lets us know when he needs to go outside. He is so smart. He sits, grves his paw and lays down on command. Did I tell you how gorgeous he is? He is beautiful and LARGE (1ol). We took him to the Vet the day we got him from the airport, and he weighed 13.5 lbs. and was in perfect health. On August 28th he went back to the vet for some shots, and he weighed 23 lbs. He is growing at such a rapid pace. Next visit is September 28th at which time he will get his rabbis vaccine and we can begin to take him to parks where there are other dogs for him to play with. I would love to see some baby pics of him. Thank you again for such a beautiful amazing Lg animal. We absolutely love him. By the way, glad to see his brother Blake was adopted. My husband who wasn't keen on getting a puppy wanted to adopt him as well. Oh, one more important thing....... Peter is now known as "Leonidas". Best Regards, Leslie